How To Get Started With Guitar Mastery Method

What Lesson should I Start On?
This is a good question! Once you have chosen a course to start, what lesson should you start with first? ...The short answer: The first one. Lo...
Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 10:51 PM
Why Am I Being Asked To Create A Support Desk Account?
Hey, You may have received an email about creating an account. This is simply an option that you have here in our helpdesk to be able to log in, track, ...
Wed, 13 Nov, 2019 at 3:47 PM
I Want To Jump On Board As A Member
If you're wanting to take your guitar playing to the next level with Guitar Mastery Method, just head over to  ( )...
Wed, 11 Sep, 2019 at 7:02 PM
Do You Have Any Free Lessons To Try First?
Hey! We have a ton of free lessons for you to try out before taking the next step and joining one of our full courses. Our instructors update our Yo...
Fri, 17 May, 2024 at 6:25 PM
Where Are My Lessons In The Member's Area?
Hey! So if you've made it into your member's area after logging in, and still wondering where to find your courses, make sure you watch the '...
Sun, 27 Oct, 2019 at 10:14 PM
Do You Have Lessons For Left-Handed Players?
Guitar Mastery Method does not currently have any lessons specifically for left-handed players. What we do have, is 100's of left-handed guitar play...
Wed, 21 Aug, 2019 at 10:41 PM